Why did I choose personal blogger?
First, I found some difficulties to write about my life in social media like facebook or twitter.Some people were hurt because of misunderstood the talks. Besides, there were so many stalkers who will judge without knowing whats really going on.
Second, because it would be easier to write something based on our own experiences.I thought that blog was the best place to share everything, rather than a social media. we could write all about our personal life, and manipulate the story with some tricks. Then, the other people will never judge because they confused by the thought of fiction or fact. with this way, our privacy would be safe. The other people never knew which one was real, except the people who connected with the story.
Third, to show the passion and to promote the abilities. For example, I have a passion in design. I could use the blog to post my project in design. I would find bloggers with the same passion, or other passion, then we could share it.
"between our laughs, long talks, and stupid little fights"
It was the slogan of my blog. It represented my personal life. Yeah, between all of those things, there were memories which never be enough to remember. And write down the memories will inspire someone else to learn something from the stories.
cie pake baha inggris, anak malang ya ? yuk merapat :D
waw jago desain pasti nih ^^ bagi2 ilmu dong kakak
Duh ileh ada bule malang di blogger energy. Mhahaha :D
Aku kan udah ke blog kamu, sekarang gantian dong ke blog aku.
beuh keren pisan bahasanya, salam kenal yakk :)
follow balik ya kak...
Gue putus asa.
Kejem banget nulisnya pake bahasa inggris.
Langsung mimisan gue ngebacanya -_-
ya ALLOH,,
Ini anak keturunan Obama yak ??
Pinter banget ngomel-omel pake bahasa planet... :D (Kagum dan salut) :)
wah kirain tadi laptop saya virusan, ternyata benar tulisannya pake bahasa inggris semua.
terpaksa gunain alat doraemon "google translate" :D
Welcome to the BE big happy family. Good luck and then, in this community you have something special to give anyone, all about your shared.
Nice blog. Join, and get anything in BE :B
setelah baca ini mendadak kegantengan saya hilang beberapa derajat, sumfeh !
ini menusuk banget -___-
hopefully can give u new spirit when find bloggers with same passion. :3
I see, i see..
Ya gitu, kadang nulis di blog sendiri lebih menyenangkan dari pada harus mantengin timeline mantan di jejaring sosial xD
I hope kamu can betah di BE yes.
Salam kenal.
sedih banget deh, aku gak paham... Hiks...
(T.T) waduh g tau artinya
the right choice, you've joined the blogger energie. :)
baca ini seperti melakukan pembunuhan buat kornea mata gueeee,,, mata gue bedarah, itu ngomongin apa yaaaa ?
Iya,, presiden SBY memang gituuu,, orangnya gak mau dengar apa kata rakyat. padahal demo dimana2 tapi dia kayak orang budeg.... *APAAA INIIII!!!! karna gak lancar bahasa inggris jadi terpaksa gue ngartiin sendiri huhuhuhu.... :'(
penyakit saya sama kek yang lain, tertatih dalam bahasa inggris -____-
heyho Miftah faradisa!
welcome to Blogger Energy, semoga BE bisa boost-up ur energy dan exhange energynya sama kita-kita semua di BE. welcome! :)
iya..yukk... :D
ayo bagi2 ilmu desain 3d km dong.. :D
hahaha. okee..kpan2 klo ol lwat pc, aq bw k blog km.. :D
hehehe. salam kenal jg.. :)
hahaha. lumayan kan buat ngelatih kemampuan b.inggris.. :D
hahaha. makasih.. :D
yups...gunakan google translate..hahaha
yups, thank you. lets exchange the energy through the blog.. :D
oke..btw link blog km yg mana ya..?
lah..menusuk kenapa..? --"
yups..passion in design... ;)
iya..lebih puas nulis d blog...haha
salam kenal jg.. :)
pke google translate dong.. hehehe
pke google trasnlate ya.. :D
yeah, let exchange the energy.. :D
yg jelas gak ngmongin km...hahaha
hahaha. politics hobbist nih...
semangat ! pasti bsa ngartiinnya..hahaha
thank you...lets exchange the energy.. :D
wahh..rame ya..
welcome bwt smuanya..
thanks for all the comments..
kpan2 aq pertimbangkan buat nulis pke b. indonesia deh... :D
terharu bangeettt baca postingan ini :''''''(
bukan..bukan karna postingannya menyedihkan.. tapiii bahasa yg dipakai lah yg menyedihkann.. aku gak paham artinya apaaaa hiks hiks hiks #nangis sambil gulingguling di pasir.
SALAM kenal kaka :D
smoga betah di BE :D
Halo Miftah faradisa!
Tulisanya full inggris, jadi tambah semangat bacanya...
Salam Kenal ya
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