Inspired by :
a song titled 'I always remember you that way' -bowling for soup
a song titled 'I always remember you that way' -bowling for soup
I met you. In a place where the wind whispered through. We started to talk a lot of things. It seemed like we missed something for years. I felt a little happiness when I see you smiled during our conversation. I hurt when your smile disappeared by some parts of your words.
Suddenly you reached out and touched my hand. My heart was racing. I took your hands off.
"Sorry," I said without looking at you.
"It's okay. Everything had already changed, but feeling remained the same. I thought you felt it too,"
You said quietly. I could see the sadness in your eyes.
"It seemed like you were special for me. But I'm not sure. Everything was strange for me.."
You took a long breath. You may blamed me for this things. I might forget about you or our memories before. I thought this was the first time I saw you, and for you, this was the first time we met after many years. I tried to remember and searched the memories which left behind. But a part of me didn't want to remember it. We kept silence for hours until the sky went dark.
"I should go home now," you broke the silences.
"Oh, me too." I answered.
"Okay, anyway, thanks a lot for your help,"
"What's help?" I asked.
I didn't remember what I've done for you before. You glanced a smile and didn't answer.
"Nice to see you, bye".
Then you walked away. I faintly heard you whispered a song's lyrics .
I'll always remember you
The years have gone
The times have changed
I don't recall much from those days
I'll always remember you that way ...
And felt something rumbling in my heart. I felt the pain in my head when I forced to remember that song. I wanted to call you. But the pain in my head went worse. Damn.
Suddenly, the other part of that lyrics remain in my head.
The moon and the stars , The back of my car
That song that was on , The back of my car
The memories are different
But we felt the same
And I'll always remember you that way...
I didn't know what was the memories between us. There were pictures in my mind. You were left. And I was standing all alone. But it was blurred. I forced myself to remember.
Hi stranger, Who were you? You just came and brought back memories. And what was the song? I felt loneliness inside the lyric. So irritating.
Always remember you...
I'll always remember you..
(always remember)
I'll always remember you that way...
This song still haunted me. And my tears dropped so that I couldn't stop...
Hmmm.. But we felt the same and I'll always remember you that way :D
hahaha. km tau lagunya ya...
Yak... selamat bergalau ria :p
dan saya baru saja mengalami ini, pertama kali bertemu kembali setelah lama berpisah -_-
makasih loh ya... skrg udh gak galau tuh..hahaha
wah... sabar ya..jgn galau.. *pukpuk
Ini band indie apa gimana? baru denger soalnya.
Kalo iya, tau ARTTM sama ATL dong haha.
gatau indie ato nggak..yg jelas band ini udh punya banyak album..coba aja search nama bandnya "bowling for soup".. haha
wah gatau.. kepanjangannya apa aja tuh?
jadi cerita nya sekarang masih galau gitu? cerita nya sih iya, tapi kalo kamu nya mungkin udah enggak kali ya hehe :p0
yup..benerr.. 100 buat kamu...hahaha
jelang malam minggu udah galau aja nihh... :)
terkadang memang saat mendengarkan sebuah lagu yang liriknya mengingatkan kita pada sebuah kisah yang pernah kita alami memang menjengkelkan yaa...
apalagi lagu yang liriknya mengingatkan pada seseorang yang...ehm..sulit dilupakan...namun menyesakkan dada jika dikenang.. :)
nyari temen nggalau mbak?
"I wanted to call you. But the pain in my head went worse. Damn. "
I hate that part, why you didn't call him? Maybe it will be fine.
ahh! when someone suddenly whispers some lyrics always sounds romantic in my ears. some days ago, I also heard a man whispered a love song lyric which made me so curious what intentions behind his whisper.
Lagunya bagus buat nemenin malming hehhee
Gue kurang ngerti -____-
Oh iya, kamu temannya si Nisa ya ?
Blognya didesain sama si Nisa kan ?
isinya juga gak jauh beda :D
eciee... ngapain ketemuan segala coba kalo ujung2nya galau ....
cinta, penderitaannya tiada habisnya #QuoteByCuPhatKei
Galau tiada akhir. Semoga cepet mupon yah:)
Waduh walaupun rada pusing translate nya tapi keren dah! XD
nah.. iyaa banget..
menjengkelkan dan akhirnya kita jadi nge-blacklist beberapa lagu itu.. --"
udh ketularan galau om..?
wow.. I never think about it..
but i thought when you got a worst pain in the head, you won't call him, because you'll be focusing on that pain..
yeah...sounds romantic and it feels like he whispered from the deep of his heart... :)
iya kak mei..enak lagunya...hehe
iya temennya nisa..
iya..dy yg desain...
tp ttep beda sih...karena kita punya style yg beda walopun kadang mirip...hehe
ahmad muazim : itu ceritanya gak sengaja ketemunya..hahaha
Lina : itu cerpen kak...bukan pengalaman pribadi..
Lutfie : makasih..lagunya juga keren loh...hehe
lagunya old school jadi kangen jaman aku cilik umur tahun haha
Oh ini tentang lagu yaa?? Hmmm, ga bisa komen banyak. Seleraku Didi Kempot, haha... Jadi ya gitulah :))
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