Sometimes, life just twisted us around. It gave the unpredictable feelings, trapped us in some kind of path, or changed the direction of life. When the world had turned into wrong, all the things that we did just to explode it. We complained. We cried. We mad. Without realizing that an explosion will make a better way for everything.
Knowing that things always come together, bad and good, sadness and happiness, hello and goodbye, then. As Allah said : there is an ease after hardship. After an explosion, there will always be a bless. Can we realize that? Of course. Its our choice to have the intent for changing the point of view.
Every single step that we choose will lead us to a path. We walk into the path. We turn, we stop. We keep moving although we're afraid of losing. We just walk around, without knowing about what will happen. Basically, we're blind. We don't even know whether the path is the right one, the wrong one, or just a trap to twist us around.
Someday, we will understand everything. The wound will be healed, the pain will be gone. A path will give the best lesson to learn. As I've ever said before, life is just like a camera. Focus, capture, develop. And if plan don't work out, improve and take another shoot.
Don't be totally worried about everything that happened around. All of the pain will pay off. In the right time. We just need to do the best, be the best, give the best, and believe in Allah's way. Because no matter how strong we are, the choice is ours but the decision is still Allah's. So, just let Allah lead the way. :)
Knowing that things always come together, bad and good, sadness and happiness, hello and goodbye, then. As Allah said : there is an ease after hardship. After an explosion, there will always be a bless. Can we realize that? Of course. Its our choice to have the intent for changing the point of view.
Every single step that we choose will lead us to a path. We walk into the path. We turn, we stop. We keep moving although we're afraid of losing. We just walk around, without knowing about what will happen. Basically, we're blind. We don't even know whether the path is the right one, the wrong one, or just a trap to twist us around.
Someday, we will understand everything. The wound will be healed, the pain will be gone. A path will give the best lesson to learn. As I've ever said before, life is just like a camera. Focus, capture, develop. And if plan don't work out, improve and take another shoot.
Don't be totally worried about everything that happened around. All of the pain will pay off. In the right time. We just need to do the best, be the best, give the best, and believe in Allah's way. Because no matter how strong we are, the choice is ours but the decision is still Allah's. So, just let Allah lead the way. :)
posted from Bloggeroid
Ahhh, hai kak miftha... lama gak mampir ke sini.
Tapi, diam-diam, kalo sempet buka blog, dan kalo kebetulan ada kak miftha, pasti langsung aku baca.
oke itu agak lebay '-'
tapi, semua kata-kata bijaknya keren! :D
We just need to do the best, be the best, give the best, and believe in Allah's way. Because no matter how strong we are, the choice is ours but the decision is still Allah's. So, just let Allah lead the way.
hmmmmmmmmm. keren.
taufan : hahaha, thanks fan....
tulus : thanks..
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