
An Afternoon Hangout

The photographs were not good enough since it took by a pocket-camera, not a SLR/DSLR camera. Besides, the object's focus, compositions, and lighting were somehow terrible, because we didn't have a good skill in photography.

I edited colors by using Adobe Lightroom 3.0, and use some features in Photoshop for making the photos looked like it took by a DSLR/SLR camera. But the result seemed awkward (of course, if it looked better, everyone will never buy a DSLR/SLR camera) haha.

There were the last result. "An Afternoon Hangout"..

Put the camera in a flower's pot and set the self timer 


kisenosky said...

Aku harus dikasih royalti nih. Tasnim 1 lagi yang large juga boleh.

Risah Icha Az-zahra said...

pewarnaan nya keren. eh pencahayaan apa lighting apa apa gitu namanya. ga ngerti. hahaha

Unknown said...

Aku mau royalti motret..hahaha

Unknown said...

klo pencahayaan namanya lighting kak..

faris said...

potonya kiseno yg nomer 2 dari atas bagus tuh... hahaha