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Hello, I'm Moving !
I just remembered that years ago, I'm just a person who have hard time to live the life. I couldn't decided things. I often went home at the late of night after along day outside, just for spending time alone. I blamed everything when something bad happened. I fixed people's wound but left my own unhealed. And I filled this blog with everything about how-sick-I-was.
Well, I knew that I was broke. I lost. I dragged people into my complicated things. Messing everything up by my own. But, I learned. I learned from the things we said in our late night talks. I learned from other people's life, and the way they fix their problems. I learned from you, the one who had taught me to be wiser. Then, I grew up. I'm moving from such complicated things.
I went home in the afternoon for spending the night at home. I decided things by my own, less care for other's problem. I'd be grateful for everything I have. I erased some private talks in this blog, edited the template, and changed the style of writing. I knew that it would never be enough. I still need to learn another things outside.
Well, I knew that I was broke. I lost. I dragged people into my complicated things. Messing everything up by my own. But, I learned. I learned from the things we said in our late night talks. I learned from other people's life, and the way they fix their problems. I learned from you, the one who had taught me to be wiser. Then, I grew up. I'm moving from such complicated things.
I went home in the afternoon for spending the night at home. I decided things by my own, less care for other's problem. I'd be grateful for everything I have. I erased some private talks in this blog, edited the template, and changed the style of writing. I knew that it would never be enough. I still need to learn another things outside.
Life would always teach us to grow, and moving. It is a must. Because life is too short and you never know when your time is up.Ya, I'm moving. Better personality, better lifestyle, better template-content of this blog. And from now on, I know that I'm on the right track to be a better me.
Makhluk Super Sibuk
Dulu, saya pernah kesel banget sama seseorang. Alasannya, cuma karena dia terlalu sibuk dengan segudang urusannya. Hampir 24 jam dia habiskan buat mengurusi ini-itu sampai nggak ada waktu buat sekedar refreshing.
Tapi dibalik ke-kesel-an itu, I adore him. Dia bisa melakukan banyak hal yang seru dan bermanfaat, disaat orang seusianya (termasuk saya) masih ribet ber-galau-ria. Se-sibuk apapun, dia selalu bisa menyempatkan diri buat menolong orang yang membutuhkan bantuan (dan perhatian) darinya. Ya, sepertinya dia tau-banget tentang how to spend you time with.
Hasilnya, banyak yang bisa dimengerti dari kesibukannya. Mulai dari ribetnya me-manage waktu dan kesibukan, berharganya waktu istirahat yang minim, senengnya melihat banyak hal yang bisa dihasilkan, termasuk nggak-enak-nya di-complain orang-orang terdekat karena terlalu-sibuk.
Tapi, sibuk nggak selamanya nggak enak kok. Kalau kamu mau mencoba, sebenarnya banyak hal positif yang bisa dipelajari dari semua kesibukan itu dan segala bentuk rasa capeknya. Misalnya :
Tapi dibalik ke-kesel-an itu, I adore him. Dia bisa melakukan banyak hal yang seru dan bermanfaat, disaat orang seusianya (termasuk saya) masih ribet ber-galau-ria. Se-sibuk apapun, dia selalu bisa menyempatkan diri buat menolong orang yang membutuhkan bantuan (dan perhatian) darinya. Ya, sepertinya dia tau-banget tentang how to spend you time with.
Hasilnya, banyak yang bisa dimengerti dari kesibukannya. Mulai dari ribetnya me-manage waktu dan kesibukan, berharganya waktu istirahat yang minim, senengnya melihat banyak hal yang bisa dihasilkan, termasuk nggak-enak-nya di-complain orang-orang terdekat karena terlalu-sibuk.
Tapi, sibuk nggak selamanya nggak enak kok. Kalau kamu mau mencoba, sebenarnya banyak hal positif yang bisa dipelajari dari semua kesibukan itu dan segala bentuk rasa capeknya. Misalnya :